Friday, November 21, 2008

Lick Your Wound, It will Recover!

You do not ever think that dog or cat instinct to lick their wound can be proved scientifically. They lick their wound and then they recover in a few days. Their unique customs make some Dutch researchers examine a compund in salliva, especially human salliva. The compund is predicted enable to faster wound recovery.

Researchers team finds that histatin, a small protein in salliva which previously believed it can kill bacteria, has responsible to the recovery. The research result is then published in the newest edition of Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). The invention clearly gives hope to the patients who has chronic injury in connection with diabetes, traumatic wound, and burn. Furthermore, because there is possibility it can be produced massively, the substance can be shaped as an antibiotic cream or linement.

'We hope the findings benefits for everyone who has unhealing wounds, such as ulcer on foot, diabetes injury, and it is also useful for traumatic injury medication like burned injury." said Gerald Weissmann, Editorial Chief of FASEB. The reseach also reveals why wound because of tooth withdrawl recover faster than wound at skin and bone.

Translated and edited from: Kompas Online

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Training bacteria Eating Caffeine in Coffee

Scientist now is training bacteria to eat and destroy caffeine contains in coffee plant. if this is successful, we will enjoy drinking coffee with no caffeine but still has its comfort flavour.

Coffee contains many caffeine because coffee plant produces coffee fastly but its proccess to destroy its caffeine is very slow," explain Justin Gallivan, chemical scientist from Emory University at Atlanta, USA.

"We will create bacteria that can destroy caffeine fastly. That is why we will create bacteria depending on how they live in caffeine." he explains.

Galllivan and Shaw Desai, a university student, find a way to install bacteria with theophylline. Theophylline is a compound made for destroying caffein on coffee and tea plants.

According to American Chemical Society October edition, most coffee which has low caffeine is made using chemical solution which can absorb caffeine in coffee seeds. There is also a technic called "Swiss Water Process" using hot water and steam to
separate caffeine from coffee seeds.

"The bacteria's life depends on theophylline. However, they do not know how to fabricate it themselves. We will train bacteria to produce theophylline needed to destroy caffeine," he said.

The bacteria which has gene that can convert caffeine into theophylline will survive. The scientists hope they can isolate the gene and make caffeine annihilation proccess faster. However, it still needs years more to make the bacteria successful in producing coffee without caffeine with natural and delicious flavour.

Translated from Jawa Pos

Friday, November 7, 2008

Who thinks walking bare foot is unhealthy?

Foot functions as a backing of body organ, balance regulator and for mobility. Unconsciously, we often force our foot to do their functions without enough treatment. Do you know that foot palm has more nerves than your face?

Thousands of nerves and cencor exist in the foot palm. So when a small object of sand presents in our shoes when we are walking, we will feel it.

More than 30 of bones, 30 of joints, 30 of muscle, and more than 100 of bonding and 200 of networks exist in our foot palm. This is a very complicated construction, and make our foot become a very special system.

Foot palm is divided into 3 parts: front, middle and back. the most uniqueness of foot palm is its bone formation, which is formed arch. The arch-formed is very important, because it can divide body-weight optimally and it also keep to absorb collision perfectly.

Palm foot has three arches, two of them form lengthwise direction and one of them forms sideways direction.

If there is a slope at the arch, caused by weak muscle, the balance of palm foot is disturbed.

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