Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Seven Secret Ways to Stay Young

Many people complain about their skin and face which seem older than their real age. To cope with the problem, there are 7 secret ways in order to remain ageless.

Always feel happy
Feeling happy is one of the main key in order to remain to be seen ageless. In every activity, try to do just what you want to do. Avoid stress, guilty feeling and oppressed because of other people coercion. Remember, what you are feeling can be seen on your face. If you are happy, your face will be seen alight and relaxed. If you are seen like this, you will look younger than your real age.

Playing sport is also one of ways to be ageless. You can do jogging, fast-walk, cycling and swimming at least 30 minutes every day. By doing sport, the risk of heart attack, osteoporosis and cancer can be evaded. Doing sport regulary can make muscles more flexible, strengthen bones, and reduce stress. It is because body cells get more oxygen, so you will have a good sleep.

Consume Vitamin C
You can obtain vitamin C from fresh fruits (especially orange), green vegetables (brocoli and others) or vitamin C tablet 1000 mg a day. Vitamin C is proven to be enable to enhance body immune, lessen the risk of cancer, and protect the body against pollution effect. Despitefully, drink more fresh water. Drinking at least 8 glasses of fresh water every day will lessen stress, protect your skin fressness, and smoothen the activities of body organ.

Use UV protector
Sunshine is one of main factors causes ageing, consequencely, always use moisturizer lotion regulary everyday, especially when you will go travelling. This will make your skin remain fresh, damp and unburned by sunshine, particulary ultra violet ray (UV).

Enough Rest
Man needs at least 8 hour everyday to sleep. Enough resting is usefull to avoid eye poke forming, skin wrinkles and tired face.

Be careful with your Appearance
Your appearance also plays an important role. Although your age get along in years, be careful with your cosmetic. Use your make-up thinly in order to look natural and don't forget to use it according to your skin type.

Try to become optimism in any ways, because it will make your life healthier and happier. If you are pessimist, you will forget your appearance and your face will look tired and unshine.

Nova Tabloid

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why Not To Be Vegetarian?

Recently there is a new trend of life among international society, especially youth people, in the case of food consumption. They prefer vegetables to meat. According to them, consuming meat is similar with putting into the body food additives, seed of diseases and dangerous hormone.

Dangeorus diseases that threaten meat consumer are:
- aviant influenza
- madness ox
- cholesterol
- gout
- heart disease
- stroke
- embolism
- anthrax, etc.

Research from Loma Linda University USA shows that there are some superiorities for whom like consuming vegetables.
- Vegetarian lives 5 years more.
- The health of heart is protected.
- The body will slim.
- Poisonous contents in the body will be cleared.
- the body will be protected from contamination
- you will be prevented from disease contaminated through food.
- your bone will be stronger.
- you will defecate smoothly.

It is estimated that nearly 95% peptisida residue of our food come from meat, fish and other animal products.

Many people think that consuming only vegetables will cause people loss of power, easily ill, and even it can make someone stupid. However, technology shows that vegetables do not have any connection with those.

These are false thoughts by people who prefer meat to vegetable and some arguments about it:

Myth: the protein of meat is better than other any foods.
Fact: Comparing with palawaija, cheese and nut, meat categorizes as middle-protein food, i.e 25%.

Myth: We will have adequate protein just only by consuming meat.
Fact: If meat and fish are replaced by well-planned vegetation menu, we can have enough amount of protein every day (53g - 58g)

Myth: Meat is the only source of vitamin and mineral salt.
Fact: Apart from vitamin B12, vegetation food contains 11 kinds of vitamin and many mineral salt, even their amounts are greater than meat. Furthermore, meat is not the only source of vitamin B12, because we can find the vitamin in milk and fermented soybean cake (in Indonesia = tempe).

Myth: meat protein is the highest-valued protein than any other protein.

Myth: Vegetation protein is lack of one or some kinds of essential amino acid, so vegetation protein is not as good as meat protein.
Fact: It is true that some vegetation protein are lack of one or more essential amino acids, but by consuming together some kinds of vegetables in one plate, the need of 8 kinds of essential amino acid will be satiable.

Myth: Vegetation food is lack of taste, comparing with meat.
Fact: Meat can be acquired from at least 5 kind of slaughtered livestocks. Whereas vegetation menu consist of 40 - 50 kind of green vegetable, 24 kinds of nut, 20 kinds of fruit, 12 kinds of sereal and 9 kinds of grains. Thereby, their taste, colour and types can be highly varied.

Myth: Vegetation food contains a big number of carbohydrate compare with meat, so it can make someone overweight.
Fact: it is true that vegetable has many carbohydrate, but it does not have fat oil as many as meat. The amount of calorie produced by fat oil (1 g produces 9 kkal) is more than carbohydrate (1 g produces 4 kkal). Whereas the body rarely needs much calorie. The waste calories then is converted into pile of fat in the body and becomes the main cause of obesity.

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